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Training for Network Engineers

CISCO CCNA Devnet + CCNP Devcor

Learn How-to Automate Your Boring Traditional Networking !

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You Learn Python, Ansible, API & Cisco Devnet with In-Depth Lab Experience!


Key Features

Full Automation Package

Python + Ansible + API + Cisco Devnet

Weekend Course

Designed For Working Professionals. Fast Track Course

Server Access

3-month Lab Rack Server Access Provided

Multiple Re-take

Multiple Re-take Of Complete Live Batch

24 X 7 Support

24 X 7 After Class, Lab Support Available

Lifetime Access

To Recordings, Study Material & Pdfs

Course Overview

Python is not the only language being used for network automation but the combination of being an easy to learn language, and many code samples and utilities has made it a go-to language for network engineers.

Cisco have adopted Python as the preferred language for network engineers. The Cisco DevNet Associate exam tests experience with Python and other products i.e Meraki, Cisco ACI all expose an API with well documented Python scripting integration.

In this Python for network engineers Training, we will show in detail most of useful Python scripts network engineers can start using today. These are scripts that we make use on nearly a daily basis. By the end of this 2-month Training you will learn that network engineers and Python do go along!

Who can Enroll this Training?

  • NOC Engineers
  • L1, L2, L3, L4 Network Engineers
  • Network Engineers
  • CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Certified Engineers
  • Network administrators
  • Network analyst
  • Network engineers
  • Network consultants
  • Graduates interested in Networking

Lab Topology



DevNet Associate Exam v1.0 (200-901)

  • 1.1 Compare data formats (XML, JSON, and YAML)
  • 1.2 Describe parsing of common data format (XML, JSON, and YAML) to Python data
  • 1.3 Describe the concepts of test-driven development
  • 1.4 Compare software development methods (agile, lean, and waterfall)
  • 1.5 Explain the benefits of organizing code into methods / functions, classes, and modules
  • 1.6 Identify the advantages of common design patterns (MVC and Observer)
  • 1.7 Explain the advantages of version control
  • 1.8 Utilize common version control operations with Git
  • 1.8.a Clone
  • 1.8.b Add/remove
  • 1.8.c Commit
  • 1.8.d Push / pull
  • 1.8.e Branch
  • 1.8.f Merge and handling conflicts
  • 1.8.g diff
  • 2.1 Construct a REST API request to accomplish a task given API documentation
  • 2.2 Describe common usage patterns related to webhooks
  • 2.3 Identify the constraints when consuming APIs
  • 2.4 Explain common HTTP response codes associated with REST APIs
  • 2.5 Troubleshoot a problem given the HTTP response code, request and API documentation
  • 2.6 Identify the parts of an HTTP response (response code, headers, body)
  • 2.7 Utilize common API authentication mechanisms: basic, custom token, and API keys
  • 2.8 Compare common API styles (REST, RPC, synchronous, and asynchronous)
  • 2.9 Construct a Python script that calls a REST API using the requests library
  • 3.1 Construct a Python script that uses a Cisco SDK given SDK documentation
  • 3.2 Describe the capabilities of Cisco network management platforms and APIs (Meraki,
    Cisco DNA Center, ACI, Cisco SD-WAN, and NSO)
  • 3.3 Describe the capabilities of Cisco compute management platforms and APIs (UCS
    Manager, UCS Director, and Intersight)
  • 3.4 Describe the capabilities of Cisco collaboration platforms and APIs (Webex Teams,
    Webex devices, Cisco Unified Communication Manager including AXL and UDS
    interfaces, and Finesse)
  • 3.5 Describe the capabilities of Cisco security platforms and APIs (Firepower, Umbrella,
    AMP, ISE, and ThreatGrid)
  • 3.6 Describe the device level APIs and dynamic interfaces for IOS XE and NX-OS
  • 3.7 Identify the appropriate DevNet resource for a given scenario (Sandbox, Code Exchange,
    support, forums, Learning Labs, and API documentation)
  • 3.8 Apply concepts of model driven programmability (YANG, RESTCONF, and NETCONF) in a
    Cisco environment
  • 3.9 Construct code to perform a specific operation based on a set of requirements and given
    API reference documentation such as these:
  • 3.9.a Obtain a list of network devices by using Meraki, Cisco DNA Center, ACI, Cisco
    SD-WAN, or NSO
  • 3.9.b Manage spaces, participants, and messages in Webex Teams
  • 3.9.c Obtain a list of clients / hosts seen on a network using Meraki or Cisco DNA
  • 4.1 Describe benefits of edge computing
  • 4.2 Identify attributes of different application deployment models (private cloud, public
    cloud, hybrid cloud, and edge)
  • 4.3 Identify the attributes of these application deployment types
  • 4.3.a Virtual machines
  • 4.3.b Bare metal
  • 4.3.c Containers
  • 4.4 Describe components for a CI/CD pipeline in application deployments
  • 4.5 Construct a Python unit test
  • 4.6 Interpret contents of a Dockerfile
  • 4.7 Utilize Docker images in local developer environment
  • 4.8 Identify application security issues related to secret protection, encryption (storage and
    transport), and data handling
  • 4.9 Explain how firewall, DNS, load balancers, and reverse proxy in application deployment
  • 4.10 Describe top OWASP threats (such as XSS, SQL injections, and CSRF)
  • 4.11 Utilize Bash commands (file management, directory navigation, and environmental
  • 4.12 Identify the principles of DevOps practices
  • 5.1 Describe the value of model driven programmability for infrastructure automation
  • 5.2 Compare controller-level to device-level management
  • 5.3 Describe the use and roles of network simulation and test tools (such as VIRL and pyATS)
  • 5.4 Describe the components and benefits of CI/CD pipeline in infrastructure automation
  • 5.5 Describe principles of infrastructure as code
  • 5.6 Describe the capabilities of automation tools such as Ansible, Puppet, Chef, and Cisco
  • 5.7 Identify the workflow being automated by a Python script that uses Cisco APIs including
    ACI, Meraki, Cisco DNA Center, or RESTCONF
  • 5.8 Identify the workflow being automated by an Ansible playbook (management packages,
    user management related to services, basic service configuration, and start/stop)
  • 5.9 Identify the workflow being automated by a bash script (such as file management, app
    install, user management, directory navigation)
  • 5.10 Interpret the results of a RESTCONF or NETCONF query
  • 5.11 Interpret basic YANG models
  • 5.12 Interpret a unified diff
  • 5.13 Describe the principles and benefits of a code review process
  • 5.14 Interpret sequence diagram that includes API calls
  • 6.1 Describe the purpose and usage of MAC addresses and VLANs
  • 6.2 Describe the purpose and usage of IP addresses, routes, subnet mask / prefix, and
  • 6.3 Describe the function of common networking components (such as switches, routers,
    firewalls, and load balancers)
  • 6.4 Interpret a basic network topology diagram with elements such as switches, routers,
    firewalls, load balancers, and port values
  • 6.5 Describe the function of management, data, and control planes in a network device
  • 6.6 Describe the functionality of these IP Services: DHCP, DNS, NAT, SNMP, NTP
  • 6.7 Recognize common protocol port values (such as, SSH, Telnet, HTTP, HTTPS, and
  • 6.8 Identify cause of application connectivity issues (NAT problem, Transport Port blocked,
    proxy, and VPN)
  • 6.9 Explain the impacts of network constraints on applications

Developing Applications using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs v1.0 (350-901)

  • 1.1 Describe distributed applications related to the concepts of front-end, back-end, and
    load balancing
  • 1.2 Evaluate an application design considering scalability and modularity
  • 1.3 Evaluate an application design considering high-availability and resiliency (including onpremises, hybrid, and cloud)
  • 1.4 Evaluate an application design considering latency and rate limiting
  • 1.5 Evaluate an application design and implementation considering maintainability
  • 1.6 Evaluate an application design and implementation considering observability
  • 1.7 Diagnose problems with an application given logs related to an event
  • 1.8 Evaluate choice of database types with respect to application requirements (such as
    relational, document, graph, columnar, and Time Series)
  • 1.9 Explain architectural patterns (monolithic, services oriented, microservices, and event
  • 1.10 Utilize advanced version control operations with Git
  • 1.10.a Merge a branch
  • 1.10.b Resolve conflicts
  • 1.10.c git reset
  • 1.10.d git checkout
  • 1.10.e git revert
  • 1.11 Explain the concepts of release packaging and dependency management
  • 1.12 Construct a sequence diagram that includes API calls
  • 2.1 Implement robust REST API error handling for time outs and rate limits
  • 2.2 Implement control flow of consumer code for unrecoverable REST API errors
  • 2.3 Identify ways to optimize API usage through HTTP cache controls
  • 2.4 Construct an application that consumes a REST API that supports pagination
  • 2.5 Describe the steps in the OAuth2 three-legged authorization code grant flow
  • 3.1 Construct API requests to implement chatops with Webex Teams API
  • 3.2 Construct API requests to create and delete objects using Firepower device
    management (FDM)
  • 3.3 Construct API requests using the Meraki platform to accomplish these tasks
  • 3.3.a Use Meraki Dashboard APIs to enable an SSID
  • 3.3.b Use Meraki location APIs to retrieve location data
  • 3.4 Construct API calls to retrieve data from Intersight
  • 3.5 Construct a Python script using the UCS APIs to provision a new UCS server given a
  • 3.6 Construct a Python script using the Cisco DNA center APIs to retrieve and display
    wireless health information
  • 3.7 Describe the capabilities of AppDynamics when instrumenting an application
  • 3.8 Describe steps to build a custom dashboard to present data collected from Cisco APIs
  • 4.1 Diagnose a CI/CD pipeline failure (such as missing dependency, incompatible versions of
    components, and failed tests)
  • 4.2 Integrate an application into a prebuilt CD environment leveraging Docker and
  • 4.3 Describe the benefits of continuous testing and static code analysis in a CI pipeline
  • 4.4 Utilize Docker to containerize an application
  • 4.5 Describe the tenets of the “12-factor app”
  • 4.6 Describe an effective logging strategy for an application
  • 4.7 Explain data privacy concerns related to storage and transmission of data
  • 4.8 Identify the secret storage approach relevant to a given scenario
  • 4.9 Configure application specific SSL certificates
  • 4.10 Implement mitigation strategies for OWASP threats (such as XSS, CSRF, and SQL
  • 4.11 Describe how end-to-end encryption principles apply to APIs
  • 5.1 Explain considerations of model-driven telemetry (including data consumption and data
  • 5.2 Utilize RESTCONF to configure a network device including interfaces, static routes, and
    VLANs (IOS XE only)
  • 5.3 Construct a workflow to configure network parameters with:
  • 5.3.a Ansible playbook
  • 5.3.b Puppet manifest
  • 5.4 Identify a configuration management solution to achieve technical and business
  • 5.5 Describe how to host an application on a network device (including Catalyst 9000 and
    Cisco IOx-enabled devices)

Automating Cisco Enterprise Solutions v1.1 (300-435)

  • 1.1 Utilize common version control operations with git (add, clone, push, commit, diff,
    branching, merging conflict)
  • 1.2 Describe characteristics of API styles (REST and RPC)
  • 1.3 Describe the challenges encountered and patterns used when consuming APIs
    synchronously and asynchronously
  • 1.4 Interpret Python scripts containing data types, functions, classes, conditions, and
  • 1.5 Describe the benefits of Python virtual environments
  • 1.6 Explain the benefits of using network configuration tools such as Ansible and Terraform
    for automating IOS XE platform
  • 2.1 Identify the JSON instance based on a YANG model (including YANG Suite)
  • 2.2 Identify the XML instance based on a YANG model (including YANG Suite)
  • 2.3 Interpret a YANG module tree generated per RFC8340
  • 2.4 Compare functionality, benefits, and uses of OpenConfig, IETF, and native YANG models
  • 2.5 Compare functionality, benefits, and uses of NETCONF and RESTCONF
  • 3.1 Implement device management and monitoring using NetMiko
  • 3.2 Construct a Python script using ncclient that uses NETCONF to manage and monitor an
    IOS XE device
  • 3.3 Configure device using RESTCONF API utilizing Python requests library
  • 3.4 Utilize Ansible to configure an IOS XE device
  • 3.5 Configure a subscription for model driven telemetry on an IOS XE device (CLI, NETCONF,
    and RESTCONF)
  • 3.6 Compare publication and subscription telemetry models
  • 3.6.a Periodic / cadence
  • 3.6.b On-change
  • 3.7 Describe the benefits and usage of telemetry data in troubleshooting the network
  • 3.8 Describe Day 0 provisioning methods
  • 3.8.a iPXE
  • 3.8.b PnP
  • 3.8.c ZTP
  • 4.1 Compare traditional versus software-defined networks
    4.2 Describe the features and capabilities of Cisco DNA Center
  • 4.2.a Network assurance APIs
  • 4.2.b Intent APIs
  • 4.2.c Events and notifications
  • 4.2.d SDA
  • 4.3 Implement Cisco DNA Center event outbound webhooks
  • 4.4 Implement API requests for Cisco DNA Center to accomplish network management tasks
  • 4.4.a Intent APIs
  • 4.4.b Command Runner APIs
  • 4.4.c Site APIs
  • 4.4.d SDA APIs
  • 4.5 Implement API requests for Cisco DNA Center to accomplish network management tasks
    using these APIs
  • 4.5.a Network discovery and device APIs
  • 4.5.b Template APIs (Apply a template)
  • 4.6 Troubleshoot Cisco DNA Center automation process using Intent APIs
  • 5.1 Describe features and capabilities of Cisco SD-WAN vManage APIs
  • 5.2 Implement a Python script to perform API requests for Cisco SD-WAN vManage Device
    Inventory APIs to retrieve and display data
  • 5.3 Construct API requests for Cisco SD-WAN vManage Administration APIs
  • 5.4 Implement a Python script to perform API requests for Cisco SD-WAN vManage
    Configuration APIs to modify Cisco SD-WAN fabric configuration
  • 5.5 Construct API requests for Cisco SD-WAN vManage Monitoring APIs (including real-time)
  • 5.6 Troubleshoot a Cisco SD-WAN deployment using vManage APIs
  • 6.1 Describe features and capabilities of Cisco Meraki
  • 6.1.a Location Scanning APIs
    6.1.b MV Sense APIs
  • 6.1.c External Captive Portal APIs
  • 6.1.d WebHook Alert APIs
  • 6.2 Create a network using Cisco Meraki APIs
  • 6.3 Configure a network using Cisco Meraki APIs
  • 6.4 Implement a Python script for Cisco Meraki Alert WebHooks
download (1)

Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices using Cisco Platforms v1.0 (300-910)

  • 1.1 Describe characteristics and concepts of build /deploy tools such as Jenkins, Drone, or
    Travis CI
  • 1.2 Identify the sequence, components, and integrations to implement a CI/CD pipeline for
    a given scenario
  • 1.3 Troubleshoot issues with a CI/CD pipeline such as code-based failures, pipeline issues,
    and tool incompatibility
  • 1.4 Identify tests to integrate into a CI/CD pipeline for a given scenario
  • 1.5 Identify release deployment strategy (canary, rollbacks, and blue/green) for a given
  • 1.6 Diagnose code dependency management issues including API, tool chain, and libraries
  • 2.1 Identify the steps to containerize an application
  • 2.2 Identify steps to deploy multiple microservice applications
  • 2.3 Evaluate microservices and container architecture diagrams based on technical and
    business requirements (security, performance, stability, and cost)
  • 2.4 Identify safe handling practices for configuration items, application parameters, and
  • 2.5 Construct a Docker file to address application specifications
  • 2.6 Describe the usage of golden images to deploy applications
  • 3.1 Describe how to integrate DevOps practices into an existing organization structure
  • 3.2 Describe the use of configuration management tools to automate infrastructure services
    such as Ansible, Puppet, Terraform, and Chef
  • 3.3 Construct an Ansible playbook to automate an application deployment of infrastructure
  • 3.4 Construct a Terraform configuration to automate an application deployment of
    infrastructure services
  • 3.5 Describe the practice and benefits of Infrastructure as Code
  • 3.6 Design a pre-check validation of the network state in a CI/CD pipeline for a given
  • 3.7 Design a pre-check validation of the application infrastructure in a CI/CD pipeline for a
    given scenario
  • 3.8 Describe the concepts of extending DevOps practices to the network for NetDevOps
  • 3.9 Identify the requirements such as memory, disk I/O, network, and CPU needed to scale
    the application or service
  • 4.1 Describe the concepts and objects of Kubernetes
  • 4.2 Deploy applications to a Kubernetes cluster
  • 4.3 Utilize objects of Kubernetes to build a deployment to meet requirements
  • 4.4 Interpret the pipeline for continuous delivery of a Drone configuration file
  • 4.5 Validate the success of an application deployment on Kubernetes
  • 4.6 Describe method and considerations to deploy an application to multiple environments
    such as multiple cloud providers, high availability configurations, disaster recovery
    configurations, and testing cloud portability
  • 4.7 Describe the process of tracking and projecting costs when consuming public cloud
  • 4.8 Describe benefits of infrastructure as code for repeatable public cloud consumption
  • 4.9 Compare cloud services strategies (build versus buy)
  • 5.1 Identify the elements of log and metric systems to facilitate application troubleshooting
    such as performance issues and streaming telemetry logs
  • 5.2 Implement a log collection and reporting system for applications
  • 5.2.a aggregate logs from multiple related applications
  • 5.2.b search capabilities
  • 5.2.c reporting capabilities
  • 5.3 Troubleshoot a distributed application using AppDyanmics with Application
    Performance Monitoring
  • 5.4 Describe the principles of chaos engineering
  • 5.5 Construct Python scripts that use APIs to accomplish these tasks
  • 5.5.a build a monitoring dashboard
  • 5.5.b notify Webex Teams space
  • 5.5.c responding to alerts and outages
  • 5.5.d creating notifications
  • 5.5.e health check monitoring
  • 5.5.f opening and closing incidents
  • 5.6 Identify additional application requirements to provide visibility into application health
    and performance
  • 5.7 Describe Kubernetes capabilities related to logging, monitoring, and metrics
  • 5.8 Describe the integration of logging, monitoring and alerting in a CI/CD pipeline design
  • 6.1 Identify methods to secure an application and infrastructure during production and
    testing in a CI/CD pipeline
  • 6.2 Identify methods to implement a secure software development life cycle


Most frequent questions and answers

Network automation is the process of automating the configuration, management and operations of a computer network. It a broad term that includes a number of tools, technologies and methodologies used to automate network processes.

This Course would be started Basic to Advance. We assume our enrolled would be fresher/beginner and has no prior experience on Python or Automation so we start every batch from Scratch.

$300 USD

Student requested to book Official Exam directly on Cisco Pearson VUE account.

We only provide Necessary Training required to clear your Official exam at First attempt without wasting your hard-earned money.

Our Training will help you clear your exam at first attempt, prepare you well for Job Interview, New Job Hunt and make you better Engineer.

Multiple Free Re-takes of Live batch are available and also if incase you don’t want to go through entire batch you can sit only on missed classes.

Alternatively, we also provide Recordings of every class in our Webportal for lifetime access

  • NOC Engineers
  • L1, L2, L3, L4
  • Network Engineers
  • CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Certified Engineers
  • Network security administrators
  • Network administrators
  • Network analyst
  • Network engineers
  • Network analyst
  • Network consultants
  • Basic knowledge of networking
  • TCP/IP protocol knowledge
  • Basic knowledge on Windows server/Unix
  • Basic knowledge on “line vty”, “ssh”, “ospf”, “bgp”, “vlan”, “ip address”, “telnet”, “router”, “switch”, “firewall”, “junos”, “arista”, “linux”
  • This Course will help you certify Official Cisco Certification Courses:
  • Knowledge of Python is NOT required, we will start from scratch/beginner level.
aypal, India NEFT, BHIM/UPI, G Pay
Student opts either Online LIVE Instructor-Led or Self-paced Learning with Labs
Online LIVE Instructor-Led: $450USD \\ 35k INR

Live Online Classes:
Live online classes are synchronous events organized in a live virtual meeting room where students and teachers meet together to communicate with voice, video, whiteboard.

Benefits of Live Online Classes:

  • Rapid acquisition of knowledge.
  • Immediate feedback.
  • Live online classes require students and instructors to be online at the same time.
  • Meetings and lectures occur at the same hour.
  • All attendees must be online and connected to the internet at that specific hour.
  • Ideal for content that changes regularly: If you have core content that needs to be updated regularly, then opting for live online learning may be the best choice.

Self-paced Learning:
Online courses are delivered asynchronously where students learn on their own schedule (self-paced learning) without any real time instructor. The course content – lessons, prerecorded video lectures and tutorials, tests and quizzes, homework and assignments can be access by the students enrolled in the course at any time, as long as the course is active and available.

Benefits of Self-paced Learning:

  • Learners are able to go at their own pace.
  • There is no scheduling involved.
  • No direct mentor or tutor to clarify or analyze mistakes, no solution checks.
  • Ideal for permanent content: If you happen to have content or information that isn’t going to change in the near future, such as company policies, that new employees must memorize, then self-paced learning is a great option.

Upcoming Instructor-Led Batch Schedule

Learn Python, Ansible for Network Engineers
01-AUG-2023 Monday @ 9 PM INDIA
  • Weekend Batch: 3 Hrs Session
  • 6-Mo Unlimited Lab access 24*7
  • 40+ hours of Instructor-Led Training
  • 100+ Network Case-Studies Discussed
  • Real-time experienced & professional trainers
  • Training notes, Python Scripts, API Collections and Devnet Short Notes


Learn Python, Ansible for Network Engineers
01-AUG-2023 Monday @ 9PM India
  • Weekend Batch: 3 Hrs Session
  • 3-Mo Unlimited Lab access 24*7
  • 40+ hours of Instructor-Led Training
  • 100+ Network Case-Studies Discussed
  • Real-time experienced & professional trainers
  • Training notes, Python Scripts, API Collections and Devnet Short Notes

Get Certified

Happy Student Feedbacks

Based on 147 reviews
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ccie dc
15:22 22 Sep 24
Good Course , Straight up to point .instructor is friendly , and support staff is very professional .
06:20 20 Sep 24
I had a great experience learning industry-aligned skills of FortiGate Firewall course with Network Journey, I should thank our Trainer Sanjay for his Deep Knowledge of the product and the way he had taken the classes with patience and clearing all our doubts and questions in a nice manner, and i should Network journey back-end Support team for the Excellent LAB Setup, and support for the problem we face during the class, Overall, I had excellent experience with Network Journey with this course, If time permits I may go for any another course with Network Journey..DINESH.N
Navaneeth Sankar
09:41 11 Sep 24
I've recently completed Network Automation Course with them. Course will really help who want to change their career to Network Automation and the trainer Sagar is really helpful. They will provide lab setup which can be installed in our local system (which will of course have lifetime validity) and also remote lab setup which will be for a certain duration of time. Lab setup helped to have hands-on experience on the automation part. Also they had provided me an option to retake the course anytime in next one year.
vinay shukla
07:27 11 Sep 24
Network journey is the best place to enhance your core as well cross domain skill. Trainer sagar Dhawan sir & their backend support team always available for support through email, calls or even WhatsApp channels. The learning material and virtual labs that team provides, are very structured and easy to adopt. Looking forward to get enrolled for other courses through NJ again.
Shiv Shanker
10:17 28 Aug 24
I joined Python Network Automation class and Sagar is my trainer one of the excellent trainer to teach network automation , the way he communicating and explaining was very good. I got good knowledge from him about this automation and exploring now. I felt the money I spent was not wasted. For me few things that the class was not started and closed within the time frame and last couple of class he just explained and I felt he rushed up the things if he would have explain slowly like initial class it would be nice. I would recommended every network engineer to learn automation, initially when I was think felt hard but once joined this course all becomes understandable.
prem gupta
06:06 27 Jul 24
I recently enrolled the Network Automation offered by Network Journey and I must say it is a valuable experience.The instructor, Sagar, is outstanding. his deep knowledge of the subject matter is evident, and he is doing an excellent job of explaining complex concepts in a clear and understandable way. The instructor also encouraged interaction and is very responsive to questions, which greatly enhanced the learning experience.
Mory Bamba
17:05 06 Apr 24
I have enrolled in a bunch of courses including firewall mastery 5-1, CCIE Enterprise, CCIE Security, AWS, GCP, Azure, Devops. All tutors were very professional and classes were excellent very easy to learn . Backend team for lab support and assistance always there incase if we need help . Overall 5/5

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Know Your Instructor

more than 13+ Years of Industrial experience


Trainer Sagar Dhawan has delivered more than 8000+ hours of training in last 3 years.

Trainer Sagar is CISCO CCNP ENTERPRISE and DEVNET Certified working profession with more than 12+ Years of Industrial experience.

Trainer Sagar has trained more than 36,294+ professionals and received 853+ Endorsements with more than 10,000+ Followers.

In the year 2019, Sagar founded his own training & consulting academy which has trained over 25,000+ students just in the last 2 years.

After working as a company network security automation consultant for various projects, clients and as a freelancer, he found his passion in teaching & now he aim to provide top quality skill training at affordable rates to all working professionals.

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You Learn Python, Ansible, API & Cisco Devnet with In-Depth Lab Experience!

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